Create Your Website Today & Start Earning
Hello, if you have landed here by having many things in mind regarding personal blog or website, then you are at right place. So, first let me brief my self in short who I am and what I do – My name is Tapeshwar Kumar from and I am from a state that is known for unemployment, backwardness, complex cast structure and many more such things and I hope you have already guessed the name of the state, yes I am from Bihar.
So, let’s move on – after completing primary and secondary education from Bihar, I have completed engineering from PTU in 2015 (ECE Branch) and in college only stared creating WordPress websites/blogs and jumped into digital marketing to make a career. Currently I am pursing MBA from BITS Pilani in WILP mode. You can read more details about me here.
Why you should create a personal blog or website?
In this fastest growing internet world if you don’t have your personal blog/website then your online profile is incomplete without it. Creating a website is not more than creating a social media accounts nowadays. Yes, its true you can create your personal blog/website in just 30 minutes without having any coding language and I will let you know here how – so keep reading.
Create a blog page at blogger by Google (Free):
Click here to create your blog page free with Google just using your Gmail ID, follow the steps as below:
- Login using your gmail id
- Select a available blog page username/sitename
- Select a template for your blog
How to create a Blog/Website on WordPress?
If you are ready to make a small investment to create your personal website/blog today then you can create it in quick time over world’s popular CMS platform WordPress. You just need to buy a personalize domain of your choice and have buy a hosting to host on data online.
Click here to buy a Domain Name>>
So now you have bought your domain and hosting for your brand new website and now it’s time to configure it and make it live for the world. Watch video below and launch your brand new website right now –